Is staying connected in reality disconnecting us?Side effects of Social Media

OR The ongoing war between social media and social life is not something we are unaware of. Thanks to social media it has now told us how gravely dangerous it is for us- thanks for at least that. A human being today can either be physically social or be a 'social-media addict'.If you meet such an addict you will not get the impression of a friendly communicative healthy and happy person. He will seem dull and exhausted. He will not be interested in what is going on in his surroundings. Not warm or interested in verbal communication. And ofcourse, checks his mobile at least 3 times between a single conversation. Astonished? If you have none of these, congratulations. If you do, understand that an addict in reality is not social at all. He is unhappy and unhealthy. The University of Michigan has stated in a research that the more time a person spends on Facebook, the more feelings of well-being decrease and feelings of depression increase in him.' Moreover, the Am...