Working with animals has taught me more about human behaviour than when I was a psychotherapist or journalist. The message ACF has been spreading from the get go is kindness and empathy towards each other and all those we share our planet with. It is because our mindset has been trained towards intolerance, discrimination and separating I from Other, that is so inbuilt in our culture in such a subliminal way, we cannot succeed as a nation. The same mistakes will be repeated over and over again, as history shows what happens across the world, unless we really consciously make an effort to wake up and stop living such unexamined lives. Prosperity and peace is not about having all the answers. It’s about asking the right questions. We have never once asked ourselves and those around us, why is it so difficult to simply be kind? No one is saying one must love animals but why is it so difficult to simply respect the fact that they have as much right to this earth as we do? We al...