Mutual Funds
Mutual Funds If you’re a new investor looking for platforms with potential profits and minimum risks then let me introduce you to “Mutual Funds.” They are quite renowned in the investing world, reaping great benefits for many. So what exactly are Mutual funds? Simplified, mutual funds are professionally managed investments of varying sizes. The money for the investment comes from individuals and institutions to buy and sell securities such as stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and even currencies and so on. Let’s point out that, Mutual funds, like any other organization, are legally obligated to register with SEC, which is the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the fund manager must also be an RIA - A Registered Investment Advisor. The RIA operates the Mutual Funds, allocates its assets, and endeavors to achieve profits for the fund’s investors. The investments that a Mutual Fund owns are called its “Portfolio” which has a specific structure and are stri...