Loyalty begins with the employer

Loyalty begins with the employer – Don’t let companies take advantage of your unspoken loyalty
In a fast-paced and competitive world, we all feel the need to get a jumpstart on the competition, get ahead in the fastest way possible and make our way through the jostling crowd. After graduation, when we are hired for the first time, we put in a lot of hours in the office, to demonstrate our eagerness, ambition, and passion. But what happens to our personal life? It takes a backseat. It sinks back somewhere, out of sight, and out of mind. After we get a promotion, we chase after the next one, and then the next, and so on.
As we marry and have kids, our desire to earn more burns harder than ever. We want to give our families the best of everything. So we put in even more hours at work and offer our loyalty to the employer. Along the way, we miss a lot of personal events and even cherished occasions. We argue with ourselves that our family understands. But do they really? How can we be the judge of that? The bottom line is, when we can be fired from our jobs, we can be fired from our families too.
“We must work to live, and not live to work.” When the job is no longer there, what will be left? If we let our jobs define us, who are we when the job is gone? What is the worth of our unspoken loyalty?
Unfortunately, the amount of hours we put in at work, and all the sacrifices we make won’t automatically be rewarded with company loyalty. We are laboring as loyal employees. And the sad truth is, most companies view their employees as dispensable. If you are not willing to work hard and give in to the demands of the job as a natural part of employee loyalty, they will easily give the position to someone else. They view their employees as working drones, tools, devoid of life. They expect employees to offer their loyalty, hard work, everything, and still get discarded when their usefulness has gone.
As a result, employees see their jobs as a means to an end. They won’t go the extra mile when needed because they feel they’re not appreciated.
 “Employee loyalty begins with employer loyalty. Your employees should know that if they do the job they were hired to do with a reasonable amount of competence and efficiency, you will support them.” – Harvey Mackay.
To keep their employees from leaving, many companies profess that their company is like a family. Each employee is an important member. However, in a family, each member is kneaded together in a support system. If that’s the case, how can you show them that they’re valued? How can you build a relationship whereloyalty goes both ways between the employer and the employee?
The answer is simple. You must, under all circumstances, SUPPORT, TRUST, APPRECIATE, and RESPECT them! Employee loyalty can be repaid with nothing less than employer loyalty.
Your employees are the stars of your company. They are the main contributors to the company’s overall productivity. Like a well-coordinated body, you may be the head, but without arms, legs, and everything else, you will fall. “Always treat your employees the way you want them to treat your best customers.”-Stephen R. Covey. If you want a steady foothold as an employer, follow the steps ahead.

Employees are human beings and not just operational tools. Pay them as they deserve for their work. Provide them with the tools and equipment necessary to perform assigned tasks. And most importantly, ensure that employees have good work-life balance.
Employees offer their heartfelt loyalty when they feel you care about their personal and professional development. Enroll them in seminars, workshops, and advanced courses. They will realize that you care about them even beyond their employment.
TRUSTTrust is vital for any relationship. You hired your employees because of their skills and capabilities. Trust them to do their jobs. Give them space and do not micromanage them. Trust that you can teach, train, and mentor them even while providing sufficient space, and they will gradually grow beyond their present capabilities.
APPRECIATEIn a world where everyone fights for acknowledgment appreciate and value your employees. They should know that their efforts and contributions are worthwhile. Hear them out, reward their efficiency and hard work, and even promote them if the situation calls for it.
As an employer, it is extremely important to treat your employees with the most basic respect. Treat them as human beings and not robots that will merely do your bidding. Respect their opinions. Ask them for their input and value it. Involve them in decisions that pertain to their positions. Introduce them to innovation. Challenge their abilities, and encourage them to push beyond what they are used to, for their own growth and actualization.
It is not easy finding a company who values, or even wants, employee loyalty. Most of the time, employers think they don’t need to exert any effort to win you over. Since jobs can be scarce, they feel you will be so thankful to have a job, that you will do anything and sacrifice everything to keep it. This mentality works poorly for them. High employee turnover negatively affects efficiency, productivity, and profitability. If they wish to avoid further losses they should rethink their business strategy, and include employer loyalty as a basic standard.
As an individual, you have to look out for yourself. The truth is, even if you’re taking great care of your job, doing it to the best of your ability, without committing mistakes; your company might still let you go. And then what? Where will you be?
So, don’t let companies take advantage of your unspoken loyalty. Your job doesn’t define you. You control your job and the loyalty you have to offer. Don’t sacrifice your personal life, health or values for a job that doesn’t do the same. Loyalty is a two-way street. Don’t get stuck in a jam

Employee 22
Employees 15
Employer 10
Employer loyalty 3
Employee loyalty 4


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