Terror Xanadu part 2

Neha’s eyes darted from one student to the other. The tall blonde girl was an animal whisperer. The tall boy in a green robe was a migrant. An expert archer.  A short squat but broad-shouldered boy in blue sweater and baggy trousers stood in the middle smiling. A girl in pink frock and brown boots wearing long red hair stood next. The analyst. In the corner stood a boy in white shirt and black pants, his face half hidden in his black scarf. A breath escaped from Neha’s mouth. This is the formidable Mahashix clan.

‘Seems like you’re done with introductions. It is best if as much time is saved as possible. Time is priceless. Your task can begin immediately.’Neha commanded with authority.

All the students exchanged looks. Shocked and confused they focused to catch as much detail as possible for the task ahead.

‘This grassland has EXACTLY ONE FOUR LEAFED CLOVER. You have one hour to find it. Whoever performs worst will be at a disadvantage tomorrow. YOUR TIME STARTS NOW.’Neha vanished.

What is this? Mahnoor held her head. What is the meaning of this task? In such short notice?No help, no detail. Only one hour to complete this task. How in the world are we supposed to do this task? This is truly a nightmare.


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