Terror Xanadu Part 5

‘You all fail the task.’She ordered.

‘But why, I have located the clover.’ Saif inquired displeased. He was astonished at his sensei’s words.

‘There are many criteria according to which you are judged. Just achieving the target is not the purpose of an assigned task. Passing in each criterion is important to pass in the overall task.  One of you has collapsed into unconsciousness while others stood idly by.’ Neha directed.

Saif’s eyes widened. How naïve. Task completion is the ultimate target, that’s what he’s been taught all his life. This is what all warriors strive for. The state sends orders, which are to be completed at all costs. All other aspects are left out of consideration entirely. State Orders are ultimate. If you question state orders or think about procedures you create the way for failures. Orders are to be followed. Tasks are to be completed. Even if it harms a friend.  Joy fell victim to his own foolishness. He assumed foolishly that a fake clover was present without any logical proof. I, on the other hand, revived the task and achieved success. Bonds and attachments only create barriers in the path of success. If the sensei is teaching us that teammates are important at this stage she’s building weak pillars in us on which our warrior spirit will stand. A smile came on his face. Fine with me. All the others will be weak. But not me. I have my own path. I will follow my own warrior’s agenda. The path to ultimate success.

The sensei observed her students. All of them were exhausted. Ahad and Saif were the only ones who hadn’t used their energy. ‘Ahad take Joy to the hospital and report in at the emergency checkup. Looking at his condition he’ll be admitted for a few days. He’s lost almost all of his energy and won’t be able to recuperate immediately. I have never seen anyone use the art of time on such a large piece of land. At his age this is exceptional. The art of time requires pinpointed focus, a large amount of energy and enduring stamina. To think Joy was able to apply it and then even reverse it back to back, under the same seal. I commend him.’ Mahnoor was taken by astonishment.  Hira flinched, her awe was thinly disguised.

Ahad came up front. ’that’s my man! I knew from the very start we’d be friends, to think he’d even have talent like me.’He gave a thumbs up and then left for the hospital.

Hira dropped her annoyed face. Talent like Joy? In his dreams. But what the sensei had said. Joy was extremely talented. To show such results at this level. Simply put-he’s a big shot. How in the world can I compete with this? Impossible! No.  Impossible is I’m possible. I’ll start solo practice from tomorrow to hone my arts and look for my weak areas. If such big shots are in our team I can’t afford to look bad.

Neha pitched in ‘The rest of you rendezvous at Mehnaz lake, tomorrow 8 am sharp .’ And then she disappeared. Oh My. Our official classes have started so this is okay, Hira thought. But I’m still adjusting to her style. She can appear anywhere suddenly and she even disappears like that. How does she do this? No one in the entire country has this ability. This art got her famous in the previous war as the Green Blaze.  Looks like I’m surrounded by big shots. There’s no helping it now. I’ll make it my personal motive to learn this technique from her. Fired up with motivation Hira set out for home.


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