Terror Xanadu Part 4

Hira ran to the end of the grassland a few miles away. A few minutes had elapsed but she didn’t care. She was at an advantage. All she needed was a quiet spot where she could focus. She sat down on the brick floor and started mumbling. ’Animal whisper art. Greetings to the ant community, I’m Hira of the Mahashix Clan. I'm here with an agenda, I'm looking for a four-leafed clover plant in the grassland region. It is your home and you are familiar with every inch. Call me out if you know or find the location. In return, I promise to sprinkle sugar granules in this area as a gift to you.’ She stood up and sat four feet farther away. She had spoken smoothly.

All her life she had but done one thing- talk. To friends? No. To parents? No. To siblings? Not even close. To any person, anyone? No one. No living person. Who, then?Animals. Four-legged, flying, swimming, creeping, and crawling animals. So much whispering that it had given her grave migraines when she'd activated her art for the first time. The starting days were hellish. But now she had the knack for it. Whispering would begin with introductions. If they don't know you they won't do your job. The name of the mahashix clan was like a stone carving in the animal kingdom. It had such a strong impact that animals would tremble upon hearing it. Next was a little pleasing. 'Give the little devils their due.' and then finally-The Bribe. This was the most important point in making contact with animals and getting work done through them. It usually revolved around food provision. The greyish fog was racing closer. It’s a foggy night she concluded. Her body relaxed. I've played my part. Everything is at its place. All I need to do is now is concentrate at their whispers.

Joy was growing impatient. Only about half of the grassland plants had withered and his stamina was decreasing quickly. He was exhausted. ‘Where the hell is the artificial clover?’he exclaimed gritting his teeth. Seconds later, in a flash, someone slapped strongly at his shoulder. He lost balance and his art of time halted.’How naïve of you to think the clover is artificial. It can easily be another four-leafed species. ’the art of vision’ ‘ firm in his tone Saif interjected.

Saif was shocked. His fellow teammate was right. He was sweating from head to toe and panting violently. He was feeling extremely disappointed. It was an unusual low in his life. He had committed a grave error.

 ‘Reverse the time span of the clovers before the seal breaks. I can see you’re tired, you can’t keep up much longer.’ Saif ordered warmly.

Joy was doubtful ’But the plants are dead..’

‘They haven’t died out completely the roots are intact.’

Saif has observed their roots. So he's using his art of vision as well. Joy gathered himself and focused on reversing time of the plants inside his time seal. Plants started to re-grow as sprouts and leaflets came out. The browned area started to change once again into a more alive state.

At a distance, Hira spoke annoyingly. ’I’ve already requested you to not use the word four-leafed clover. Only use it when you’ve found the clover.’ she emphasized each syllable. She touched her forehead angrily. She was speaking to the ants.  She’d spoken to a dozen mice to include them in her quest and now she was beginning to think she wanted to include the serpents too. No. Not yet. I can’t take that risk. They are a menace.

Fifty minutes had passed but to no avail. All the students were working hard to achieve the target. When the last few inches had been reversed back to the initial stage, Joy collapsed. He’d used too much of his energy. Saif ran to the grassland’s side end. His speed was amazing. an average observer could only catch glimpses of a flash as he ran. He lied down on his side. His body was straight and his eyes were fixed on the lengths of the clovers. ’Art of vision’ he spoke strongly. He didn’t use his art on observing each and every clover. Neither did he waste his time counting the leaflets. He only used one single piece of information. Since four-leafed clovers don’t exist, its another species that will differ in length. It will stand out between the rest if their lengths are observed. He only observed the lengths and was able to cover large spaces of land at once.

A smile appeared on his lips. Saif walked to the destination of the clover. Neha appeared near him. ’Your time is up.’ She summoned all of her students at her location telepathically. Neha and Hira ran to her location. Ahad carried joy on his shoulders and joined them.


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