Are you struggling financially? Understand the relationship between money and self-actualization

Are you struggling financially? Understand the relationship between money and self-actualization

Everyone needs money to cover a range of basic human needs.
·         A part of you feels inadequate or incompetent if you’re struggling to generate wealth, or worse, unable to pay the debts.
·         Your self-esteem and self-confidence is under attack when you’re not achieving at the level of your peers and according to the society’s expectations.
·         When you can’t afford a home or are stressed out about paying your rent, you’re not meeting your safety needs.
·         Your belonging needs and sense of acknowledgement and support are in question when your social group is advancing in their careers, businesses, etc. and you are not.
·         And when you don’t have enough money, you are concerned about your biological needs (like quality food and sexual needs).

Why do so many people struggle financially?
We need skill, knowledge, confidence, unwavering spirit, full brain and physical capacity to earn money. There are certain social, cultural, psychological and neurological reasons that we’ve decreased or underestimated our true inner strength and end up struggling with money. If we don’t know our own talent or potential then how can we earn the amount of money we truly can to fulfill our needs. That’s why, by bringing consciousness the triggers and conditions that are hindering our full mental and physical capacity and causing negativity around money, we can unravel them and adopt a fresh mindset and build supportive habits to fulfill our financial needs and achieve financial freedom.

Do you seek peace and happiness along with money?
“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” - Ayn Rand

Most individuals pursuing higher achievements and financial success are driven not by personal growth, but by what Maslow called ‘basic human needs or status-seeking motivations. This means that we want money to look good in the society, as compared to feel good and positive.
It is the ultimate deception that comes along with money. For most of us, our desire to “grow” is masked by the drive to achieve. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this as long as we’re honest and not lying to ourselves. If we are, this will disrupt the harmony and peace of mind, so despite having earned a lot of money one will not feel happiness.

What is Self Actualization?
Self-actualization is the realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities. Because of an outward force we lose parts of our personalities, which hide away in the dungeons of our body. It might be in the form of severe and traumatic life experiences like trying to cope up with society’s pressure or expectations, fear, dominance, humiliation, isolation, threat, violence, abuse or even intimidation. It causes a neurosis, where the personality is displaced.

What’s the Relationship between money and Self-actualization?

We know that Self-actualization is a quality of reaching full potentialities and using full power. It is a sign of positive mental health. We fail to take control of our finances because there are barriers in our way to self-actualization and resulting in unsuccessful attempts with money. For example, individuals have unconscious programming around money, limiting beliefs about money, and negative emotions associated with money. One can have the psychology of scarcity or inferiority complex regarding personal finances. Financial homeostasis, Social conditioning toward spending( we are taught from ads and TV to spend and consume), an ill-conceived association between wealth and happiness, a lack of financial education, social conditioning toward spending, brain triggers from shopping (shopaholic individuals), and finally lack of discipline and self-control that have made us sloppy and unsuccessful.

Make a transformative shift in your relationship to wealth now!

The gateway to Financial Freedom awaits You!


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