Do you feel like you’re suffocating?

Do you feel like you’re suffocating?

“At home the harder I tried, the more I failed...I really did a lot of work trying to keep the lid on things, keep things clean... I became compulsive... I did everything right... did everything to perfection but he simply slipped through my fingers like sand…the harder I tried to grasp the quicker he fell.
I tried to be good to my in-laws, enduring literally everything, to be a good mother, so that I could be a good wife to him, but nothing seemed to work. I even developed OCD and long term depression. I really thought I was the one at fault, trying to prove myself. I thought that I was a failure - incapable of keeping a man happy. I always tried to please him, attempting to prevent violent outbreaks and get those scraps of acknowledgement.
What I didn’t know was that he was my abuser.
I was chained to him, because I truly believed he was right. But I broke free. From the shackles of self-blame and shame. It was after I took the journey of healing, and finally focused on myself - above all. I was so traumatized I couldn’t open my mouth in front of him even after I’d learnt the reality. I would stand up to him aiming to confront him but the only words that came out of my mouth were words that pleased him….because I saw the anger in his eyes. My voice, my soul, my being, had been imprisoned in the darkest dungeons of my body.
It was Susann, who saw who I truly was. She gave me the
5 Sacred Keys to Supreme Feminine Abundance to help me beak the chains holding me back. She walked me through the path of self-realization with incomparable soothing support, she was always there, smiling at me, comforting me with her warmth, filling my heart wounds.
To me Susann is a friend and embodiment of healing power. She gave me light and surrounded me with it so that I could bloom.”

“I could be who I was,
without fear of rejection.
I could do what I pleased,
without fear of criticism.
And I could be happy,
without fear of being alone.”

Have you ever been strongly dominated, blamed or humiliated?
Do you know what it means by emotional trauma?
Are you a victim of verbal abuse?
Have you disguised the true colors of your personality and become a people-pleaser?
Do you have trauma-bonds and chained to your abuser?
Deep down, do you argue with yourself that your abuser is right?

We are here for you. To love & support you.


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