How to use sexual energy to achieve your goals?

How to use sexual energy to achieve your goals?

What is Sexual Energy?
As you must be aware, there are seven energy centers or chakras in the body, where each one relates to a specific gland in the endocrine system. All of the chakras connect through a spiraling energy channel that climbs up the body. Your body is a divine vessel, brought here to support you. No matter how many times you fail, it pushes you right back up. This is the language of love. Between your body and soul. Your body is expressing love in the form of energy, to let you live – to the fullest.
Let's talk about sexual energy. Why?
Sexual Energy is the key to higher achievement. It is part of our life force, and it is crucial to our vitality, longevity, freshness, fulfillment and most importantly, spiritual development. So let’s look at sexual energy through a visualization of the seven chakras.

Sexual energy arises from the first or root chakra and the second or sacral chakra, starting from the bottom. They deal with love-making and pleasure.
The root chakra is associated with our reproductive glands while the sacral chakra relates to our adrenals. To enhance sexual energy embrace your body and love your sexual organs. Loving your body is part of loving yourself. So fuel your entire energy system by the base: the home of sexual energy.

How can you change Pleasure into Willpower?


Expressing sexual energy through sex and desire dissipates this energy. That is, sexual energy can convert into directions: out through the sex organ for pure and soothing pleasure or upward into the higher energy centers. The holy orgasm is a natural way to nurture your body. But besides this, sexual energy has other uses as well.
Sexual transformation means you can take your sexual energy and channel it into a higher energy center.
The chakra above the sacral is the solar plexus chakra, which deals with willpower. So if a person lacks willpower, there’s a good chance that their sexual energy is leaking out via excessive worry, or overthinking or neglecting or abusing sexual needs. Change your bad habits and do not abuse your body. Your body loves you, so love it back. If not for sex, use your drive to build your confidence and self-esteem. Let’s look at how it’s possible:

How to Use Sexual Energy to Manifest Your Desires?

Using sexual energy transmutation to achieve a particular goal or manifest something or someone special in your life is an easy and peaceful process.

1: Clearly think about your aim

·         Write it down.
·         Picture it clearly in your mind.
·         Bring your imagination to life by thinking about sight, sound, and motion, plus your aim.
·         Think about positive outcomes and stay encouraged.
·         Keep the goal to yourself, this way less energy dissipates.

2: Channel your attention toward your goal.

Instead of expressing sexual energy through natural drive, maintain your attention on the goal you desire. It must be a “burning desire” to pursue your goal no matter what. Remember to connect with why you want it and your purpose for achieving it.

3: Maintain your focus and be patient.

With renewed vigor, new events will likely begin to present themselves. Be confident that you will achieve what you desire. Burst any negative thoughts and negative energies. The universe, in time, will begin to conspire in your favor. You’ll align with allies to support you on your quest. And momentum will start to build.

How to use sexual energy for spiritual development?

Instead of directing your awareness to random fleeting thoughts and pleasures, meditate with perseverance. Eventually, you may sense a deeper calling. Through a spiritual awakening, there’s a shift from external achievement to inner transformation. You begin to see that you can use sexual transmutation to transform yourself and grow positively


What are the Benefits of Sexual Transmutation?

Let’s look at the positive benefits it can produce. Since the Holy orgasm is the uttermost expression of your divine truth and connection to source you can imagine its potential.

1) Improve Your Physical Health
The primary advantage of sexual transmutation is that it can radically improve your vitality, longevity, and overall physical health.

2) Achieve Material Success

Realizing your aim by it picturing through the mind, as mentioned above.

3) Cultivate More Physical Energy
Sexual pleasure is a metabolism booster that the body and mind need to perform at its best.

4) Unlock More Creativity
Sexual energy is also creative energy.

5) Improve Your Love Life
Sex is a language of love. It is spoken by two people together at the same time and thus creates a connection.

6) Develop Martial and Internal Power
Eastern material artists and qigong practitioners use sexual transmutation to cultivate internal power by converting sexual energy into chi.

7) Achieve Higher Spiritual Development

Perhaps the highest use of sexual transmutation is to use it to awaken and cultivate the Spirit within.

Remember, Your Body and Spirit is Divine!


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